Sketch and Study Club
Every Second Saturday at 2:30 pm
$5 for Museum Members, $10 for Non-members
Are you, or do you know, a young artist who would like to develop their drawing skills? Each month Education Manager and artist, Julie Pratt, will be leading a sketch and study series for artists of all ages and levels. These sessions focus on developing your observational drawing skills which helps create a solid foundation for all areas of art-making.
Sessions take place every second Saturday of the month at 2:30 pm. Participants are welcome to come earlier and draw by themselves and stay until the Museum closes at 4.
Participants will have the opportunity to work one-on-one with Julie, focusing on developing the skills they most want to strengthen. Some areas of focused instruction and practice in this class will include line, perspective, shading, mark-making, color, proportion, and composition. Participants will be given prompts for further studies for them to explore on their own, outside of the club. At the next session, the following month, we will gather together and discuss our experience.
All ranges of drawing experience are welcome. This class is most suited for ages 15+. Drawing materials will be provided, though artists are encouraged to bring their own sketchbooks. The cost of the class is $5 for members of the Remington Museum and $10 for non-members. Registration is not required but appreciated. Walk-ins are also welcome on the day of the class. Check out our
calendar of events to register for the session.