Frederic Remington Art Museum Foundation
Incorporated in the late 1980s, the Frederic Remington Art Museum Foundation exists for the Museum’s long term benefit. The foundation is an independent special purpose foundation that oversees the museum’s endowment funds and long-term investment funds.
The Foundation’s purpose is to foster, support, and advance the Frederic Remington Art Museum. It does this by accepting and collecting pledges, donations, grants, and contributions to benefit the Museum, by managing those funds carefully and by working with the Museum to effectively allocate income from investments to Museum operations.
The Foundation is overseen by a board of directors that engages professional investment managers and establishes spending policies oriented toward long-term growth -- and, thus, increased annual support for the Museum. The corpus is conservatively managed and annual returns consistently meet or exceed benchmarks.
Remarkable generosity by Museum supporters has resulted in a doubling of asset value in recent years to about $1.4 million. This includes the William J. Williams Endowment, the Robert F. and Eleonora W. McCabe Exhibitions Fund, other endowment funds, and unrestricted long-term investment funds. These investments generate about $50,000 per year to support museum operations and they provide a crucial asset to address Museum needs.
While the Museum receives some income from admissions and special events and the charitable gifts of many annual donors, a growing Foundation is critical to its long-term financial stability. Museum trustees along with Foundation directors are working together to grow the Museum's permanent assets. Among other recent initiatives, the Foundation successfully mounted a campaign among current and former trustees and directors to match a $75,000 gift from an anonymous supporter.
Please consider a legacy gift to benefit the Museum. In recognition, the Museum will be honored to welcome you to join the William R. Clark Society For additional information on legacy gifts to the Foundation please see Foundation directors and Museum staff welcome your inquiries.
Foundation Directors
- Phil Cosmo, President
- Dr. Patricia Mahoney, Vice-President
- Kate Newell, Secretary
- Geoffrey VanderWoude, Treasurer
- Sue Schwartz
- Ed Forbes
- David Valois
- Sarah Small, Esq.