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Estate & Gift Planning Options | Frederic Remington Art Museum
Estate & Gift Planning Options


The Frederic Remington Art Museum depends largely on private funds for its public programs and services.
Below are tax-deductible options for making donations to the museum. 
Gifts may be in the form of cash, securities, real estate, non-Remington art, or tangible assets, through your corporation, or as gifts in honor or memory. Gifts may be paid over a period time, depending upon the wish of the donor. 


Bequests:A gift by will or living trust. An outright request to the museum is fully deductible for estate tax purposes.* Bequests can take many forms and can include:

  • Gifts of a specific dollar amount
  • Specified assets including securities, real estate or other personal property
  • Remaining retirement account assets
  • A residual bequest, where the museum becomes a beneficiary after all other obligations are met.


Below is a sample wording for a simple bequest. 
"I give to The Frederic Remington Art Museum, 303 Washington Street, Ogdensburg, New York the sum of _______ (dollar amount) or percentage of ___% residue of my estate to be used at the discretion of its governing board."
"I give to The Frederic Remington Art Museum 303 Washington Street, Ogdensburg, New York the sum of _______ (dollar amount) or percentage of ___% residue of my estate to be used for the following purpose [state the purpose]."



Charitable Remainder Trusts:Individually created and managed trusts; one type provides a guaranteed fixed income, while another provides a fluctuating annual payment based on a percentage of the trust's principal.


Life Insurance:Gifts through life insurance are a practical way to give a substantial gift at a moderate cost.


For more information about these gift options, please contact the Museum at (315) 393-2425 or 303 Washington Street, Ogdensburg NY 13669. 


* For advice or assistance in developing your bequest, an attorney or professional advisor should be obtained.